Self-care vs. Care for Self
I heard someone say once, "Self-care is like being a parent to your 8-year-old self. You may not want to eat your vegetables… but your momma is going to make sure you eat 'em because they're good for you!"
I remember being eight. It was great. I loved school, I did a lot of extra-curricular activities, and I had a lot of friends, sleepovers, and 8-year-old fun. I also remember my mom running around making sure I had all the things I needed to do these activities and have my fun. She made sure I was fed, clothed, slept well, showered, and remained a happy kid.
So, if I had to channel my inner Momma to get my self-care
in check, right here, right now -- there are a number of things I would need to do to make sure I remained "a happy kid." When I think of this "list," it's amazing how these things are the first to go when the going gets tough. Which leads me to the realization that the 'idea of self-care" is a false choice; because often times what we refer to as "self care" is actually caring for self on the most basic level.
Self-care has become a very un-healthy tool to ask ourselves for permission to do what we NEED to do every day to be healthy, stable, human beings.
For example, a shower is not self care. Sometimes, it may feel that way if you're a busy working mom juggling a demanding job and several kids. But the act of taking a shower and making sure that you're clean and refreshed for the day is ultimately caring for yourself. It is a basic human need to be clean. So, why do we make a big deal of basic human things under the guise of "self-care?"
My point… we shouldn’t.
I've started doing one simple thing to care for myself… unapologetically. That is…. I just DO IT. If I need a shower, I shower. If I need a pedicure, I make an appointment. If I need to take a break, I grab a blanket, queue up the Netflix, silence the phone, and take my break.
If we keep inflating self-care as this grand gesture or indulgence that we can only partake in once in a while, then we miss the core of what it is suppose to be: CARE.